Disruption in the company – Interview Opencell

Once again, thank you to Opencell and David Meyer, its CEO, for this invitation to testify on the subject of disruption in the enterprise https://dgic-consulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/encore-une-fois-merci-_-opencell-et-david-meyer-son-ceo-pour-cette-linkedin.mp4

Organization of Planview Day and Partner Day

Thanks to Razat Gaurav and the entire Planview management team for the trust they placed in me to organize the Planview Day, the Partner Day and the Client Dinner in the cellars of the world’s best sommelier in 1992 Philippe Faure Brac. Special thanks to Isabelle Mokdasi, Michael Biechele and Latifa Mamou for their precious […]

Senior Advisor, on the MEOGROUP board


We are very happy to participate in the international growth plan put in place by Richard Caron and his management team. “📣 We are proud to integrate Gérard Dahan, as Senior Advisor, in the MEOGROUP board. 🤝 Gérard Dahan will be particularly involved in topics related to #Digital, #International Development and #Strategy. G.D: “I am […]

Planview DAY 2022

planview day

 I am honored to moderate Planview Day Paris. If your business process digital transformation is your topic du jour, don’t hesitate to register ! Register

Save The Date > #Disrupt Is Back For A 3rd Edition 🔥


On the occasion of our 3rd edition of #Disrupt, we will receive Gérard Dahan, CEO of DGIC Consulting. 💬 “Digitalization in the enterprise, the new engine of disruption” 🗓 See you on April 19, 2022 starting at 7pm! #opencell #event2022 To register, it’s here 👉